Private Mentoring with Janet
Private Mentoring with Janet
I've been working one on one with clients for over 20 years. I am a clinical counsellor with extensive experience in the field of sexual intimacy and relationship issues. Having taught the Making Love Retreat since 2012, I have a deep grounding and experience in dealing with common issues for men and women with regard to intimacy. I help both singles and couples to feel empowered in their current situation to be able to move forward, connected to themselves and their own heart. I help couples get back on the same page and nurture their love.
I've found in my practice over the years that personal change is not a one session quick fix. That's why I have several options for longer term support, so I can give you individual guidance through a life transition, through healing your past, through visioning your future, or holding the space for you to step forward into a sustainable intimate, loving relationship with yourself and another.
It's my great privilege to be part of your transition to a happier life.

Private Mentoring for Individuals
Women and Men
- Have you had an issue that has been with you for a long time and no matter what you canāt get past it?
- Ladies, are you tired of being masculine for so long and you want to understand how to embody your femininity more?
- Men, are you struggling with connecting with your woman and need some support to understand how women function more and to understand your own male sexuality?
- Are you at the end of a relationship and ready to start a new beginning?
Perhaps you feel stuck in certain areas of your life, particularly sexually. You want to connect, but thereās something in the way?Ā Ā

Ā Private Mentoring for Couples
- Do you love each other, value your relationship, but find it hard to sustain intimacy or connect in a way that you both enjoy?
- Do you feel like sexual intimacy is an issue between you and you feel like it's just a lost cause but there's just too much at stake to throw the relationship away?
- If you are a man, do you feel frustrated, dis empowered and at a complete loss as to how to connect with your female partner?
No matter how much you love each other, we are all affected by stress, family, work or simply one's own personal life journey. At some stage, all couples need a little support to get back on track, to be more on the same page when it comes to sexual intimacy.
Note:Ā This is not mediation. It's for couples who are both clear they want to be together and are committed to a loving sexual relationship.

The Journey Method
- Do you ever feel like you just can't get over something? And no matter what you've tried, how much you've done to remedy the situation, you just can't get anywhere?
It might be the way someone speaks to you that really triggers you. Or it may be a long held grief that you just can't get past - a relationship, a loved one's passing, a health challenge. It may be how you show up in relationships, over and over - where you just can't seem to have a relationship that works. or lasts longer than a few months.
Whatever the situation, the Journey Method can help.
The Journey Method is a guided introspective process that enables you to uncover cell memories that have been stored over your lifetime - memories that were too hard to deal with at the time, or that were unconsciously carried over from an experience that you have long forgotten but are influencing your life in a negative way now.
The Journey process helps with a myriad of issues.