An Uplifting Message and Thank you
Jan 01, 2016
At the recent Uplift Festival in Byron Bay, it was suggested to support each child by praising them for who they are this Christmas - sitting them in a chair and for each person to take a turn to say what they love about them.
I say do this for everyone - young and old. We all thrive on acknowledgement and shine when we are recognised for how we are, no matter what age. As my dear Dad is facing his twilight time on this planet, I want every opportunity to acknowledge him for the amazing man he is. If your family is huge this could be a big undertaking but maybe there's a way over this holiday period to spread the love with this idea in mind.
So make this part of your Christmas gift to your beloveds. And if you are in a love relationship right now, do this with your wife, husband or partner. The love you generate within your very own relationship is palpable for those around you.
Australia has been hit with her fair share of tragedies last week. It's been beautiful to see the bonding and positivity of human beings, instead of division and separation. In the end, all we can do is be the best we can be in our own personal relationships.
May our individual offerings of kindness, compassion and peace create this ripple effect in our families and the lives of all we touch. Only then can we create a groundswell of healing for our beautiful planet and hearts.
And Thank you to you because if you are reading this, you are part of the change that's happening on this planet - for being someone who values heart over head, who wants more in love relationships and your life, and just that pure intention serves us all.
Have a beautiful Christmas and Holiday break - see you for a special year in 2015 with new programmes, a new website and simply more love!
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