I'm No Hero
Jul 09, 2020
I hope you are well and have come through these last months ok. There are three words that kept going over in my head during these months ... "I'm no hero".
While others have ‘pivoted’ their businesses through this COVID time, or otherwise switched quickly to online (some are my dear friends and I commend them) I instead battened down the hatches.
Like many women of my age, I’ve taken my family in to provide much-needed support through a critical time in their lives. It’s been a deeply healing time and it became clear with having small children at home, priorities had to shift.
As I move deeper through midlife and beyond, reflecting on grandmotherhood and motherhood, now that I’ve been blessed with both, I know one thing for sure - Self-care is crucial during these stages of our lives.
We need to commit to it like our quality of life depends on it…because it does. Self-care is NOT selfish.
This especially comes into play now that I’ve experienced trying to work from home and home-school at the same time! For those parents who were caught in that juggling act, wasn’t it intense!! Oh, you young families! All families. I thought a lot about you and the challenges of relationships through stress.
So here we are taking time out of the house at the peak of isolation. The fact that these little ones could run free and go into their own worlds, knowing they can run back to us at any time, is a nice testament that perhaps we are doing something right. Secure base, safe haven. Secure Base – where children can feel safe to spring forth and explore their world. And Safe Haven - knowing they can return safely at any time. What we all need.
You can apply this principle to ALL relationships, including intimate ones. Nurturing a ‘secure base, safe haven’ for each other within a relationship takes self-awareness, presence, understanding, and compassion. A secure intimate relationship can provide the deepest healing in the world and has changed my life radically.
The most significant service I can provide at this moment in time is to support this younger generation to thrive emotionally, not just to survive. Because I know that investment now means they have a chance at more healthy relationships into their adulthood. Something that all of us, as a community, are responsible for.
But, I've never forgotten about you and how I can support you more deeply, but in a different way. Changes are afoot.
Retreats and Events
Like many, COVID19 has been a time of complete reassessment. I’ve made the difficult decision to officially cancel all of my 2020 events and retreats.
I’m busy planning for 2021 though so stay tuned. If you’d like to keep informed of the 2021 retreat & event dates plus online offerings before I announce them publicly, just choose your event, click on the link, and on the event you are interested in, and join my priority list here.
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