Letting Love in
Jun 26, 2015
When Michelangelo was asked 'How did he create David?', he said, "The form is already there, I just take away what it is not."
My beautiful granddaughter reminds me of how we are born as a pure expression of love and innocence and then as we grow older, we seem to develop ways of hiding away this love, as protection or survival. I wonder who she will be in twenty years' time. How will life mould her?
I wonder if our purpose is to be the loving sculptor, to remember this love and find ways to allow what isn't love to fall away, to let down our guard, to reveal who we really are.
Right now, in your current life, how much are you holding back your love? Or not letting love in?
There's a difference between appearing loving, and truly BEING LOVE.
Do you subtly put up a barrier to love?
There are often good reasons for that. But as a default pattern of protection, it prevents the flow of love to a degree.
The thing is that in the process, we don't even let the love into our own hearts for ourselves.
It hurts to hold back love. In fact, it aches.
And it hurts to hold up a barrier to love. Actually, it’s exhausting.
The ego is always working so hard to create ways to preserve the body or mind, or emotional being and that puts such a load on the nervous system.
It is our resistance to love or protecting against love or our stopping of love, that is hard work!
In the safety of the environment of the last making Love Retreat in Switzerland, I had a profound experience of this. The retreat was kind of sculpting away on my soul, I couldn't hold back anymore. The protection fell away in an avalanche of tears one day. I was left feeling as innocent and as sweet as a small child. It was like I had been cleansed or purified and only Love was left, that sweet pure innocence.
And it hasn't left me.
Now when I tune in, I can honestly say I feel love from my fingertips to my nose, from my heart to my toes, right inside every cell of my body.
And it hasn’t gone away. I say this with great humility - I now know, not as a theory, but viscerally, integrally, that I AM LOVE and that my body is innocent.
My body is pure.
My body is LOVE.
You are this too.
And to go into sexual intimacy from this innocence, this sweetness, this purity, this love, is a whole other thing. THIS transforms you. This is what lifts you to a higher love. This and more is our potential. This is YOUR potential.
If you are in a couple and feel it's time to transform your relationship, deepen your love and inspire your life, come to The Making Love Retreat. If you are a woman, single or partnered, and you ache to feel and embody this love, and yearn to feel empowered in your femininity join us at Womantime Retreat
Is it time to value yourself and your relationships?
How do you hold back your love, for yourself, from others?
P.S Your body is not broken. Menopause is a gateway, a privilege, a time to embrace change with grace and step into a life that is empowered, loving and alive. This is your birthright as a woman. You have been waiting for this all your life... Buy my book Tantric Sex and Menopause on Amazon AUS, Amazon US & Amazon UK.
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