Love is a state of Being
May 21, 2023
'Love is not a relationship. Love is a state of Being.'
One of my favourite quotes from Osho.
Last week at The Making Love Retreat, we had an age range from 28 to 70. Ten couples who all left in so much love. Here are Zoe and Jared. Both 28. They were the sweetest! I am so touched when I witness a group of so-called 'strangers' arrive tentatively on the first day, become like family over the week.
All connected by their desire to love better.
Even though there is often reticence about being in a group with such a tender topic as sexual intimacy, the range of diverse ages, personalities, and backgrounds, makes for a very rich learning environment.
This particular group shared so openly from the get-go which meant some deep transformation on many levels. And I love how the young teach the older and vice versa. Where else would you get a diversity of ages, men speaking to men, women speaking to women, women hearing men, men hearing women, having intelligent, insightful, and thoughtful conversations about sexuality and love? Not many places.
It warms my heart that there are couples like this, who can be the light-bearers for others.
And if you are contemplating joining the Making Love Retreat, and don't want to be someone who shares, it is completely optional.
Here is what Zoe posted on Instagram last week and I feel humbled to share -
We recently spent a week @janetmcgeever Making Love Retreat in Noosa. My hope was for us to simply get away and reconnect after what's been a turbulent year. We had little expectations. Actually we didn't know what to expect.
Incredibly fulfilling week. One of the biggest takeaways was how emotions and a lack of presence and mindfulness can be such a roadblock to loving and how a few simple changes can make a beautiful difference.
Janet is such an authentic, gracious, gentle and powerful woman. It was very humbling to experience Janet's teachings and presence. I am forever grateful for the curiosity, willingness, and conscious heart sparked within us.
"If you love a flower, don't pick it up. Because if you pick it up, it dies and ceases to be what you love. So if you love a flower, let it be. Love is not a possession. Love is appreciation." - Osho
Less doing, more being."
- Zoe Monk
Well, personally, I'm certainly in deep appreciation right now.
The October Making Love Retreat has been booked out with 10 couples for a while now, but after holding the retreat last week, we have decided that we can comfortably have two more couples in the space without compromising the experience of the retreat or teachings. Just one difference though - accommodation will have to be sought off-site, within ten minutes of the venue. With Noosa being such a holiday destination this will be fairly easy. So the October 15 - 20th 2023 Retreat, will be restricted to 12 couples.
Register here if you would like to take one of the two remaining places on this transformational retreat.
2024 Making Love Retreat dates will be released very soon.
NEW! - A DAY FOR COUPLES - 22nd July 2023
A day to deepen your intimate connection. Join me for a one day couples retreat experience, to create the love you want so that you can reconnect with ease, disagreements can fall away, and the tension is taken out of your intimate relationship.
With the retreats booking out this year, I wanted to continue supporting your couple journey and this one day has been in my creative soul for a couple of years now so it seems like it's the right time. Click here to read more.
Womantime retreat - Ancient Wisdom for the Modern Day Woman
We have two places left for the August retreat. Melissa and I just visited the venue and it is ultra lush. So if you're wanting to dive deep into your femininity, heart, and soul, while being nourished by a venue and environment that is just exhilarating and heart-opening in itself, come join us here.
Online Learning update.
If you are from out of Australia or New Zealand, know that I am still thinking of you and planning my support for you through online learning as a priority. There is much going on in the background right now to make this happen. So please be patient and stay around!
Blessings to you for being here. It's truly a gift to know that others are on this journey of Love.
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