Love is it
Dec 21, 2022
I am guessing you are like me. A huge year with much to be grateful for and also a year of massive change and some big highs and challenging lows.
For those who have suffered loss or endings, I am deeply sorry. It seems for many it has been a year of endings as the fallout of the last couple of years takes its toll.
There has been an intensity of need for couples' support so I have been very busy with private work, retreats, as well as developing this new website as a container for my work with the vision to open up more online offerings. With the full site to go live any day now, I will now be opening up more time to concentrate on sharing valuable resources on sex as related to our aging bodies, menopause, perimenopause, and making love.
I am particularly wanting to open up support for men as there has been a growing interest, vulnerability, and openness in men in relation to sex and I have so much to share from working both privately and in the retreats.
Love is it
What I honestly love most about what I do, is that serving others calls me to dig deep within myself. And to discover when I am out of alignment, to know where I need to go to return to love. It's simple to say, yet not always easy to do.
And sometimes it's not all rainbows. Sometimes love has to be fierce. It has to have boundaries.
That's why we all need someone who can 'see' us and reflect who we really are back to us.
And why it's so healing to do this for each other or to have someone who can do this for us. I also see that as my role.
There are 4 special souls that I want to thank, who do that for me, and who have my back no matter what.
It's my team here - Renee, my bookkeeper of 7 or 8 years, Melissa, my Womantime Yoga and Mindfulness teacher, Emily, a past employee who attended Womantime since she was 26 in 2016, And Jodie, my Making Love Retreat and Womantime assistant for the past 8 years. We are a strong team because we are bonded by our hundreds and hundreds of hours immersed in shared values of love, non-judgment, honouring, and friendship, that Womantime Retreat offers.
Over the many years, we have laughed til we cried and cried til we laughed. I don't know how I got so lucky to be energetically held by these women while working in a field that is constantly challenging my skills personally and professionally. And the exciting thing is, in Feb 2023, we are opening up a new retreat, Advanced Womantime, for the women who have attended Womantime Retreat before.
Don't worry though ... if you haven't been to Womantime yet, the date and new venue are all released here on this link.
Other news ...
Every year, I do a major training to upgrade my professional development and this year it was in Attachment Strategies in Adult Relationships with the wonderful Dr. Diane Poole-Heller, Somatic Attachment and Trauma Expert. As well as a year-long advanced Enneagram training with The Journey for my own personal development where I truly get to uncover the subtle and not-so-subtle aspects of my personality!
The Making Love Retreat Australia
For me, there feels like a continued deepening of the offering at The Making Love Retreat as 2022 saw the celebration of teaching it for the 10th year in Australia. We also celebrated the change in venue to iconic Noosa, in Queensland, in November. This was surprisingly refreshing. And I now announce the new dates for The Making Love Retreat, on my brand new page here.
I thank Diana and Michael Richardson for being in my life and for the good grace to be able to teach this retreat. I am forever humbled and to be honest, staggered at times, to see the complete shift in a couple by the end of a retreat. As many say, it's one thing to read about it, it's a whole other thing to really experience it through the body in the container of the retreat.
I'm continually stunned by the beauty and humanity of the couples who attend. You are truly a gift. You can view my comment on the last retreat here.
So thank you, to those that have attended in person or online for sessions and the retreats this year. You have truly touched my heart. And I don't think one person could say that they were not touched by love, by being seen by their partner or another.
Love heals. It really does.
And this truly is why LOVE IS the only important thing.
I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas and New year. And I will see you 2023, fresh and ready to roll.
With love
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