Lovemaking Beyond 40
Nov 03, 2022
The words sex and menopause have been two of the most taboo subjects.
Add the word Tantra to that and it goes further. There is a great misunderstanding of what the word Tantra really means.
It can conjure up being naked in a room with strangers, partner swapping, and so on. But this has given tantra a bad rap. The word Tantra is a Sanskrit word meaning 'to expand'.
Most sex is not that. Most sex is contraction and tension. Instead what we teach goes in the other direction, towards relaxation. It seems counter-intuitive.
I go into lovemaking beyond our 40s, in this interview with Sarah Rose Bright. Also why it's so important for men to understand this time of a woman's life and how he can navigate it. As well as the sometimes unspoken things that can happen to our bodies at this time...
We cover a lot of ground as Sarah interviews with such a great conversational style and brings so much of her own wisdom as a woman who also works in this field.
I am not one to glamourise Tantra or even sex for that matter. So I have a very practical approach based on my many years of working with couples and seeing the pitfalls along the way, including what has worked in my own relationship and the benefits of certain keys that can make a substantial shift in relationships.
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