Sensitive Men and Performance Pressure
Jul 23, 2015
I was speaking with a client the other day, who was completely confused about what happened when she was dating a man she actually really liked. They had only been going out a short time – a few dates and they made love a couple of times. It was 'delicious' as she said. Her whole being wanted to be with him and she was looking forward to the next time.
Which was lovely – at his home, he made dinner, candle lights. They made love. She had to work the next day so she left after making love.
Then after that, he just suddenly decided that he had to end it, that he wouldn’t be good for her etc ….
She felt confused, perplexed, and slightly upset at finally finding a man she felt an attraction to.
I was intrigued by the suddenness of it and I asked if she could share her story of what exactly happened.
Well, when we got deeper into it, the story goes that he orgasmed but she didn’t – he did everything he could to ‘get’ her to orgasm and she was fine, not orgasming, but soon after she told him she had to go home.
That made complete sense to me. When you look at conventional sex, there’s a lot for men to ‘do’.
First of all, he has to get her interested. (That's during or after the candle-lit dinner!) Then he has to make sure she’s aroused. Then he has to make sure he maintains his erection. Then he has to make sure he enters her before his erection goes down. Then he has to try to not ejaculate before her. Then he has to make sure they come together. And if she doesn’t orgasm after all that? Well, that’s just too hard to face for most men.
He didn’t do his ‘job’. And sometimes women wonder why men lose their erections!
So after all that stress, she leaves. I imagine that he interprets that as rejection so before she can reject him more, he calls it off.
And she really really liked him!
So ladies, let’s be compassionate in this whole sexual arena and recognise that men can feel the pressure of performing and pleasing you as much as you can feel it.
My tips for this week:
- Encourage him to let go of the goals and enjoy the present moment through conscious touch and movement, and you will automatically go slow.
- Let him know not to stress at all if his erection goes down. If you both relax, it will come back in its own time.
- Move from being tense in lovemaking to being relaxed – the bodies will respond.
- Cool lovemaking instead of hot hot hot. It gives time for a woman's body to open and for a man to relax more and do less.
Diana Richardson and Michael Richardson say in Tantric Sex for Men
"To relax in sex, a man needs to be encouraged to abandon the idea that he, as a man, is 100 % responsible for the quality of shared sexual experience, whether it is very good, quite good, or unsatisfactory."
And ladies, remember - men are sensitive – let’s not forget that – they may not always show it but they feel just as much as women do. Just in a different way.
I'd love to hear how this resonates for you and if it was helpful. And remember The Making Love Retreat is coming up. Book now to enjoy finding out more about this amazing subject and actually get the chance to experience The Making Love Approach first-hand.
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