Unwind to Re-Wild
Oct 13, 2019
Unwind to re-wild .... as in return to your instinctive self. That's Womantime.
As this work is all about the body, I am finding that the Womantime process is getting deeper and deeper, as each retreat unfolds. So I'm creating more spaciousness for this depth.
Each day is carefully threaded by important ancient wisdom about the female body. Here's a taster of how it runs...
The first night.
RETURNING HOME. Coming back from the wild. Coming back from the frontier. Returning home ... to YOU, returning inward. Returning from what was, to what is, finding that place of peace, of love, of quiet, of stillness. The big breath OUT.
Day 2
Unfolding the Inner Feminine. The body, our dear friend does so much for us - it carries so much tension for us. The tension that stops us from loving, from living, and from truly expressing freedom in the body. So individually we unwind the tensions out of the body. Each woman effortlessly uncovers her innate, instinctive feminine in her movement. And then we progress through the day with deeply restoring practices to restore your feminine vitality, to restore those tired adrenals. Practices that ground you and refine your inborn feminine sensuality that make you feel utterly feminine. A beautiful restful peaceful day.
Day 3.
REVEAL AND RELEASE is the theme of this day.
We deep dive into healing the inner feminine. This is the day we use gentle guided processes and creative arts therapy, to call the body back, to bring home those parts that we have disowned, abandoned, and lost. Retrieving. Remembering. Renewing. And then spacious integration with deeply nourishing and soul nurturing practices and time for self, in nature, swimming or resting. We complete the day with a deeply sacred feminine embodiment practice.
Day 4
Deep soul-nourishing practices for integration. The re-wilding begins, on her own terms this time, not society's. Pulling all the threads together. Weaving. Time for private contemplation. Mindfulness, visioning, movement, gentle yoga. Creating a new tapestry to step forward into your life. Leaving replenished, nourished. And so in touch with your body that the possibility to become unshakable is now a positive cell memory, and with enough trust in your body to know that it can remember and access this again and again.
So let the weaving begin. Will you join us? The circle is set. The candles are lit.
We are waiting for you. Womantime Retreat
Book now as numbers and accommodation is limited.
With love,
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