Menopause - The Gateway
Sep 22, 2015
Menopause can be a powerful and transformational gateway into the next stage of a woman’s life if she is willing to accept with grace the changes taking place within her body.
It’s a time of transition, physically, emotionally and spiritually, a time of stepping into a new phase of life. This is often a time when life circumstances push us to make the change we’ve been avoiding for years.
It’s a time when women can feel quite broken emotionally which result in a deep lack of self-worth, even self-hatred for not living up to the expectations of society, peers, family or self.
Men her age may be looking at younger women and her self-esteem get a battering with the feeling of failure in the bedroom. Sometimes it means the end of a relationship or a marriage or at least a big shake-up. And if a woman doesn’t stop and slow down, her body will, by showing up with illnesses, adrenal fatigue, depression or putting on weight.
If this is you, celebrate. It’s ok. Life is calling you deeper.
Before all change comes intensity, so it is natural. It’s the body’s way of saying “STOP!” and preparing for the next exciting phase. What brings you to your knees brings you new keys, to the new threshold of your life.
The loss of the ability to create life means that you can begin to create more life - for you. But something needs to happen first.
It’s important to gather the threads of any lost parts of yourself that you’ve given up, given away, or given too much for. Pull them in around you, and use them to weave a new story, a new beginning. It’s time for deep replenishment of the physical body and to slow your pace. Cry if needed, gather your dearest girlfriends and let your tears fill the empty places inside.
Stop and go within. Be silent in nature. Hear it speak to you on the wind, in the trees, through the waters. It’s time for you to return to your own heart, your own body and your own being. And discover the real truth - that you ARE worthy. You ARE beautiful. You ARE powerful. You ARE love. You ARE complete as you are.
Then you have the chance to step through that gateway, to empower the next stage of your life, to truly be of service and give the gifts of your years of learning as a younger woman.
When we as women can acknowledge and learn the art of trusting our body's wisdom we can navigate the deep and plentiful waters of our latter years with grace and youth-like exuberance. I want that for you!
I'd love to hear if this resonates with you and if it was helpful.
Whether you are menopausal or not, are you ready to step through this gateway? Come with me, to the Feminine Awakening Retreat. Register NOW to save your space. We are waiting for you.
P.S Your body is not broken. Menopause is a gateway, a privilege, a time to embrace change with grace and step into a life that is empowered, loving and alive. This is your birthright as a woman. You have been waiting for this all your life... Buy my book Tantric Sex and Menopause on Amazon AUS, Amazon US & Amazon UK.
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