What’s new in the blog?
A girlfriend called me in distress recently. She’d been enjoying a beautiful opening with her new ma...
My prayer for 2014 is to grow with more peace and love in my heart. What’s yours?
Sometimes when a ...
Behind every judgment, every criticism, every unloving act, and every unloving word, is an unmet emo...
Have you ever been somewhere in nature and felt changed simply by being there?
Australia’s red cent...
I was 14 years old when I found myself in a huge school hall, watching a sex education film. I was s...
Do you have a girlfriend, sister, daughter, mother, grandmother, aunt or niece who you really care a...
Are you already in New Year action mode? Already set your goals and making it all happen?
Good on y...
For years I was tempted to avoid intimacy.
Yet there was always something deeper inside me that kne...
Holidays are traditionally a time that can be filled with good cheer and blessings, but sometimes it...
Every woman’s journey is different. But many of us also share similar challenges. Do any of the foll...
Here it is … the long-awaited TEDx talk 'It's called Making Love isn't it?'
It has stirred me to bo...
Well, in just a few days, I have the honour of being part of Noosa's first TEDx event.
A friend, Ca...