What’s new in the blog?
David Rotter interviews the creator of The Making Love Retreat, Diana Richardson, for SEIN Magazine ...
A reading from Tantric Sex and Menopause.
EMBODIMENT: From Womb Wilderness to Womb Wildness
Many wom...
These days we hear all the time about ‘being present’ and in many ways, it can become such a concept...
Have you ever gone to say something to someone and just didn’t get the positive result you expected?...
Nothing seems to stir the human heart more than children - our own children, and others' children. T...
A big thank you to those who attended the Slow Sex movie in Sandgate Thursday night.
We had some fa...
I used to feel annoyed when people would say, ‘Oh, your creative energy is connected to your sexual ...
“I don't want to make love with you anymore.”
It’s a statement that’s been heard by many a devastat...
Do you have a relationship that challenges you or a situation you find difficult? The holiday season...
At this auspicious time, there seems no better opportunity than to MAKE TIME to PAUSE. Pause to refl...
The #metoo campaign some weeks ago highlighted the burden women (and men) carry in the realm of sexu...
I once heard a male friend say, "Oh I don't like all that tantric sh..t. All that looking into peopl...