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Sometimes I think I'm just way too sensitive for this world. But if you're reading this, maybe you f...
I really am a hopeless romantic. But I'm a cracker when it comes to Valentine's Day. I've seen more ...
I've seen a lot in my almost 40 years of personal growth and more than 20 years of psychotherapy.
It's a crazy time right now. In Australia, the level of fear in the air seems to be heightening. The...
When I visited India some years ago, the one thing that stood out to me most was the grace and elega...
I LOVED being pregnant and the experience of birthing has been something I have been passionate abou...
Times like these ...
Oh yes! Got a chance to sneak away for some me-time. Sitting in front of the
For years I have written about women closing down sexually. I'm kind of known for it.
But men close...
There's an acceleration of consciousness sweeping the planet right now. Can you feel that?
Things t...
Back in 1971, when I was in Grade 7, all I wanted was to become a ‘Sister of Mary’. They were the hi...
The first time I truly became aware of my breasts from the inside was when I began breastfeeding my ...
Years ago, I used to be a bit of a stress-head. It didn't matter what was going on, things would oft...